Quartus® Prime Scripting Support

The Quartus® Prime software provides a GUI and a scripting interface. Both interfaces allow you to perform every stage of the design flow, but the scripting interface reduces memory requirements and allows you to automate common tasks.

The Quartus® Prime command-line executables provide control over each step of the design flow. Each executable includes options to control software settings. You can also call command-line executables from shell scripts and makefiles. The Quartus® Prime command-line executables provide scripting flexibility without requiring you to exit the Quartus® Prime GUI. You can switch between the Quartus® Prime GUI and command line executables at different stages in the design flow.

Tcl is an EDA industry-standard, platform-independent scripting language similar to both shell scripting and higher-level programming languages. Quartus® Prime-specific Tcl commands control the command-line executables and are grouped into Tcl packages. The Quartus® Prime command-line executable that interprets the Tcl instructions determines which Tcl packages are loaded and available to load, reducing overall memory usage.