Public Policy

Intel Public Policy: Standards
Intel actively participates in the standards development process for the information and communications technology (ICT) sector. Standards are essential to Intel’s business and provide important benefits to industry, consumers, and governments worldwide.
Standards are critical to today’s information technology, communications, and consumer electronics industries. Global supply chains are built upon globally adopted standards. Businesses and consumers choose standards-based products because of important benefits such as interoperability and consistency in quality. Companies like Intel are able to grow when the industry develops successful standards. Standardization in the ICT sector continues to evolve. New organizations are being formed to develop standards on a regular basis.
Key Issues
Global Standards.
Global standards are developed in many venues and share certain characteristics. They respond to the needs of global markets and are created through collaborative efforts that have a global reach, are voluntary, and are widely adopted by the marketplace across national borders. These standards are developed by national member-based international standards bodies, as well as consortia groups and other standards-setting organizations that have processes that are consensus-based, transparent, and industry-led with participation open to all materially affected parties. Intel supports global standards by participating in their development and designing them into our products.
Voluntary standards.
Voluntary standards are developed by stakeholders, including industry, government, and regulatory bodies. The adoption of voluntary standards is optional—and ultimately driven by the marketplace. Governments may choose to make certain standards mandatory by including or referencing them in technical regulations.
Standards and IPR.
IPR policies must balance the needs of standards developers and implementers. Standards are only successful if developers with valuable technology are encouraged to participate, and implementers find standards sufficiently attractive to use.
Read the full Intel Public Policy Standards Paper.