Intel® Partner Showcase Publication Guidelines
View the Intel® Partner Showcase Publication Guidelines that apply to all publishers and offerings in the Intel® Partner Showcase.
Intel® Partner Showcase Publication Guidelines
Document date: August 2020
These Intel® Partner Showcase Publication Guidelines (“Publication Guidelines”) apply to all publishers and offerings in the Intel® Partner Showcase (the "Showcase”). These Publication Guidelines are in addition to the terms and conditions set forth in Appendix A of the Intel® Partner Alliance Terms and Conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”). To participate in the Intel® Partner Showcase, Publishers must at all times comply with these Publication Guidelines. If a Publisher fails to follow these Publication Guidelines at any given time, Intel may remove the Publisher’s Content from the Showcase. Intel may update the Publisher Guidelines from time to time without notice.
- Definitions
- “Offering” means any hardware, software, or service made available by Publishers to customers.
- “Offering Information” means the information and images related to an Offering that identify the nature and features of the Offering, as specified by Publishers in connection with a request to publish such information or otherwise.
- “Content” means any information or materials published or otherwise made available in the Showcase including, without limitation, Offering Information and publications.
- “User(s)” means any customer, partner or end user who visits or makes use of the Showcase (other than a Publisher), or otherwise views or accesses Content.
- “Publisher” means any user that has Intel® Partner Showcase publication rights per membership status and writes, edits or promotes content on the Showcase.
- “Systems” means an integrated set of hardware components, such as a personal computer or server system.
- “Components” means building blocks of a hardware system such as a motherboard, processor, memory, chassis, or power supply.
- “Software” means a collection of data, instructions or other operating information used by a computer.
- “Service” means the action of operations that meet and support a customer’s business needs such as hardware or software design, contract manufacturing, logistics, cloud, and quality inspection.
- “Solution” means the application of an integrated combination of both Systems and Software to solve an industry need of a business problem.
- Publication Approval and Maintenance Process
- Submission Process. Publishers must submit a request to publish Content in the Showcase to Intel. All proposed Content must be published in accordance with these Publication Guidelines. Intel may approve or reject any Content in its sole discretion and may condition its approval on modifications to the Content. Publishers are responsible for ensuring that Content is accurate and does not violate any laws or any third parties’ rights, including rights in trademarks or logos. Once Intel approves Content proposed by a Publisher, the proposed Content will be published in the Showcase and viewable to Showcase Users. You may not publish any Content in the Showcase unless Intel approves it in accordance with these Publication Guidelines.
- Updates or Edits to Content: You may edit your Content at any time, but you will have to re-submit the updated Content to Intel for approval. Your updated Content will not be published until it is approved by Intel.
- Presentation of Offerings. Intel reserves the right to determine the manner in which all Content is presented and promoted in the Showcase. By participating in the Showcase, Publishers give Intel the right to display Content and Offerings, as well as other information designed to inform Users that the Offering is provided by you as a Publisher.
- Publication Maintenance. Publishers must maintain Content and Offering Information up to date. Intel will conduct regular refresh cycles to promote new Intel products and Intel®-based systems and remove discontinued products. Publishers agree to make reasonable efforts to cooperate with Intel in connection with such refresh cycles.
- Base Criteria
- Publishers must only propose Content related to Intel® products or technologies.
- Hardware Components and Systems offered in the Intel® Partner Showcase must meet all the following criteria:
- Must be compatible with Intel®-based Systems: The Components must be compatible with Systems based on Intel processors and chipsets.
- Must Run on Intel Platforms: The Systems must be based on Intel processors and chipsets.
- Other Minimum Requirements: The Publisher must provide information for the following attributes: (i) Processor/Chipset, (ii) Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ), (iii) Lead time, (iv) MP Schedule, (v) Memory, (vi) Storage, (vii) I/O port, (viii) Dimension, (ix) Weight, (x) Display size/port, (xi) wire/wireless, (xii) End Customer Segment, and (xiii) Geo coverage.
- Software offered in the Intel® Partner Showcase must meet all the following criteria:
- Must be compatible with Intel®-based Systems: The Software must be compatible with Systems based on Intel processors and chipsets.
- Other Minimum Requirements: The Publisher must provide information for the following attributes: (i) End Customer Segment, (ii) Minimum or compatible hardware system specification, and (iii) Geo coverage.
- Services offered in the Intel® Partner Showcase must meet all the following criteria:
- The Service must be related to Intel products or Intel®-based Systems.
- Other Minimum Requirements: The Publisher must provide information for the following attributes: (i) End Customer Segment, (ii) Related hardware system, and (iii) Geo coverage.
- Solutions offered in the Intel® Partner Showcase must meet all the following criteria:
- Must be Compatible with Intel®-based Systems: The design of the Solution must be compatible with Systems based on Intel processors and chipsets.
- Other Minimum Requirements: The Publisher must: (i) Identify hardware and software ingredients, (ii) provide written evidence that a solution has at least one System bundled with one Software application, (iii) identify the End Customer Segment, and (vi) identify the Geo coverage.
- Publishers must not promote or advertise any non-Intel®-based systems or non-Intel components in the Intel® Partner Showcase as part of their Offering or otherwise.
- Offerings in the Intel® Partner Showcase must be available to the public.
- Publisher must only publish Offerings designed or branded by the company they represent on the Intel® Partner Showcase.
- Publishers must not propose Content for products that use or depend on any Intel products that have been “end-of-lifed” or are no longer available for purchase or for use to the public.
- Publishers must provide a link to documentation that provides technical information about their Offerings in the resources tab of their Offering Information.
- Publishers must announce the availability of their Offering in the Intel® Partner Showcase on their public website and must include hyperlinks to their Offering listing pages on Publishers’ own website.
- Publishers must classify each Offering based on one or more classification taxonomies provided by Intel. If Intel considers a Publisher-selected category to be inaccurate, it reserves the right to re-categorize any Offering.
- When including Intel products in Offering descriptions, pictures, videos, or marketing materials, partners must adhere to the Intel Trademarks and Brands Usage Guidelines at: - Publishers must strictly adhere to Intel’s confidentiality restrictions including, without limitation, with respect to Intel pre-release products. If an Offering includes or references Intel products that have not been publicly launched (i.e. under embargo), the Offering may only be published in Partner View or Intel-only View.
- General Publishing Requirements
- Publishers must publish at least one Offering in the Intel® Partner Showcase within 60 days of becoming eligible to publish Content in the Intel® Partner Showcase.
- Publisher must not publish duplicate Offerings. Intel reserves the right to remove duplicate Offerings.
- Offer Listings
- Publishers must include detailed Offering Information in their Offering listing pages, which must be accurate and up to date. Such information must include, as applicable:
- Offering Name
- Offering Category (only one category may be selected)
- Industries (at least one industry must be selected)
- Offering Description – the description must include the following:
- SKU information
- Offering’s value proposition
- Intel recommends that the Offering description include the following:
- Detailed SKU information
- Detailed value proposition
- Features: 3-5 factual statements about the Offering’s features
- Benefits: 3-5 reasons describing how the Offering will benefit the User
- User resources - Resources offered may include, but are not limited to, demo videos, screenshots, white papers, case studies, testimonials, and detailed technical documentation on how to use the Publisher’s Offering on Intel® Partner Showcase.
- Offering Specification: Offering specs may include technical specification, software features, Intel or third-party technologies included or deployed in the offering.
- Publishers may not redirect or up-sell customers within their Offering listing page to Hardware, Software or Services other than what is available in the Intel® Partner Showcase.
- Intel reserves the right to edit and revise the Offering listing page details for quality assurance. If Intel makes any changes to any listing page details, Intel will make a reasonable effort to inform Publishers before the publication of their Offering in the Intel® Partner Showcase.
- Publishers must include detailed Offering Information in their Offering listing pages, which must be accurate and up to date. Such information must include, as applicable:
- Offering Archive
- Intel reserves the right to archive an Offering from the Intel® Partner Showcase for any reason. Reasons Intel may archive an offering include, but are not limited to:
- The Offering has not generated any leads for six or more months;
- The Offering consistently receives negative customer feedback;
- The Publisher has failed to comply with the Terms and Conditions or these Publication Guidelines.
- Publishers may decide to archive their own Offerings from the Intel® Partner Showcase. Archiving Offerings ensures that new customers will no longer be able to view such Offering in the Intel® Partner Showcase. Publishers may ask the Intel support team to batch archive Offerings by logging a support ticket.
- Intel reserves the right to archive an Offering from the Intel® Partner Showcase for any reason. Reasons Intel may archive an offering include, but are not limited to: