Diversity and Inclusion are Key to Innovation
Diversity, equity, and inclusion have long been Intel’s core values and are instrumental to driving innovation and delivering strong business growth. We hold ourselves, our people, leaders, and the industries we lead to high standards by creating an inclusive culture and advancing diversity and inclusion in the industry and beyond. We are committed to creating a better world through the power of our technology, our global scale, and the expertise and passion of our employees.
Diversité & Inclusion en France
En France, la loi sur la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel du 5 septembre 2018 vise à faire respecter le principe de l'égalité salariale. Pour y parvenir, Intel France doit calculer et publier son index de l’égalité professionnelle en mars 2024. C'est la quatrième année qu'Intel France le publie.
Le score de l'index de l'égalité femmes-hommes 2023 pour Intel France est de 86/100. Intel France a dépassé le score minimum de 75, comme requis par la loi.
Calcul de l'Indice
Le calcul de l'indice se base sur 4 indicateurs pour atteindre un total de 100 points maximum. Ces critères évaluent les inégalités entre les femmes et les hommes dans les entreprises :
- écart de rémunération femmes / hommes
- écart de taux d'augmentations individuelles et les promotions
- nombre de salariées augmentées à la suite de leur congé maternité
- parité parmi les 10 plus hautes rémunérations
Intel a l'intention de continuer à mettre en œuvre les objectifs RISE 2030 d'Intel pour s'assurer que les pratiques de leadership inclusives sont intégrées dans notre culture à l'échelle mondiale :
- Doubler le nombre de femmes occupant des postes de direction
- Augmenter la représentation des femmes dans les rôles techniques à 40 %
- Favoriser l'inclusion et l'accessibilité complètes dans l'industrie technologique et mettre en œuvre un indice d'inclusion mondial avec des mesures communes pour faire progresser les progrès
Intel s'est engagé à atteindre l'équité salariale entre les sexes pour tous ses employés et depuis 2019, a atteint l'égalité salariale entre les sexes dans le monde, y compris en France. L'analyse d'Intel sur l'équité salariale entre les sexes compare les salaires des hommes et des femmes en fonction d'un certain nombre de facteurs légitimes tels que l'emploi, le grade, l'ancienneté et identifie les différences de rémunération inexpliquées. L'écart de rémunération entre les sexes est la différence entre le salaire horaire moyen des hommes et des femmes dans l'ensemble de la population, avec le même emploi, grade ou d'autres facteurs commerciaux pouvant influencer le salaire.
Chez Intel, nous nous efforçons et nous nous engageons pour une main-d'œuvre inclusive et engagée qui reflète les meilleurs et les plus brillants talents de notre secteur. Nous nous engageons en faveur d'un emploi diversifié et d'une culture d'égalité et d'inclusion. La diversité et l'inclusion sont des valeurs fondamentales pour Intel et sont essentielles au succès continu d'Intel.
Our Approach
We innovate and create business outcomes to drive lasting positive change. We do this by focusing our efforts on doing good for our people and our industry, our communities, and our world.
Click each box to learn more about our areas of focus.
For our people and industry
For our people and industry
At Intel, we provide a workplace where everyone has access and opportunity to achieve their best. Inclusion is one of Intel's core values and it is at the heart of our culture. We believe that when every employee has a voice and a sense of belonging, Intel can be more innovate, agile and competitive. We also know today’s greatest challenges require a shared commitment to the development of a more diverse technology industry, which includes commitments to social equity, supplier diversity, and industry collaboration.
For our communities
For our communities
Changing the future of the world also means supporting the communities we serve. Intel and the Intel Foundation have a strong legacy of partnering with community organizations, governments, and academia to catalyze action. This includes creating positive impact on global social challenges, broadening equitable access and opportunity to STEM education, and supporting community needs to inspire the next generation of innovators.
For our world
For our world
In support of making a positive global impact for our world, we are advancing responsible business practices across our global operations, value chain and beyond. We have strong systems to avoid and address human rights violations and look for ways to apply our technology to support the advancement of these global challenges.
Employee Experiences
Creating a Global Perspective
Tiffany, Revenue Operations in Intel Automotive, has embraced both new places and skill sets throughout her 20+ year career at Intel. From Arizona to Ireland to China, Supply Chain to Business Units, Tiffany has approached new experiences with enthusiasm. In her words, “The opportunities are endless at Intel …it’s really about seeking out what you want to do next.”
Faith-based Employee Groups Enable Connection Through Diversity
Intel’s Cross-Faith and Beliefs employee group alliance has helped foster connection amongst faith-based employee groups since 2019, when the leaders of seven groups decided to meet to get to know each other better. Through their diverse perspectives, they found ways to connect and build a platform for education amongst employee groups.
MLK Day Spotlight
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Vimbai Mhungu, a software product manager working on AI and machine vision, discussed the legacy of Dr. King, and what this meant to him growing up in apartheid-era Rhodesia. Now, completing 19 years at Intel, he’s made a commitment to continue weaving community service and mentorship into his everyday life.
Ivan's Path to Education and Acceptance with Intel Pride (formerly known as IGLOBE)
Ivan Ruiz is the proud father of a trans boy. From the very first moment his son explained to him what being a trans boy was, he decided to support his son throughout the transition and stayed right by his side. The Intel Pride community is committed to bridging gaps and creating communities of understanding, one step at a time, and making Ivan's journey with his son, the norm. Read about the difference Intel Pride made in Ivan’s allyship journey.
Intel’s D&I journey through the years
Our efforts to address complex global issues aren’t new. In fact, Intel has a long and successful history of addressing inequities, gaps, environmental and social issues impacting our employees, communities, industry and world. In order to continue our progress, we are collaborating with others to create more diversity and inclusion in the industry, address global challenges, broaden access to opportunity, and inspire the next generation of innovators.
Click through the timeline to learn about a few of our past efforts and accomplishments to making positive change a reality.
Raising the bar with RISE 2030 – our progress
Our RISE strategy and 2030 goals set our global ambitions for where we want to be at the end of the decade and raise the bar for ourselves, and the industry. Through our 2030 Inclusive goals, we are committed to further advancing the representation of women and underrepresented minorities in leadership and technical positions at Intel, advancing accessibility, and embedding inclusive leadership practices in our culture and across our business. We have also set forth industry initiatives to help make technology fully inclusive and expand digital readiness.
Read about our progress in the 2022-23 Corporate Responsibility report.
Expanding digital readiness across the globe
From Germany to South Korea, India, Poland and the U.S., Intel partners with governments, academia, and communities to make technology fully inclusive and expand digital readiness for all. In Germany, students Hana, Clara and Silja built the PAMELA ROBOT, a unique AI-based recyclable sorter for recycling plastic and aluminum using Intel technologies. Where did they learn the skills? From Intel-trained coaches at the University of Furtwangen as part of Digital Pact engagement.
Check out what Intel is doing to enable digital readiness across the globe.
Our Data1
Transparency and open sharing of our data enables us to both celebrate progress and identify key areas for action and improvement. For the first time, we have integrated all Intel workforce population data and added two new population categories – “2 or More” and “Other” allowing us to show our company’s representation more accurately.
Pay Data
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) does not require employers to file EEO-1 pay data, but we continue to believe it is important to disclose it publicly. We must be transparent with our data to hold ourselves accountable and encourage industrywide action.
Employee Resource Groups and Affinity Groups
We encourage employee connection through our network of Intel chartered Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and Affinity Groups. Intel’s ERGs and Affinity Groups are organized around race, national origin, gender identity, parenthood, disability, education, faith and beliefs, and other common affinities. In addition to these groups, Intel offers over 200 communities of practice and social clubs.
Read about our progress in the 2023-24 Corporate Responsibility report
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
Intel African Ancestry ERG
- Network of Intel African Ancestry (NIA)
- Intel Black Leadership Council (IBLC)
Intel Women ERG
- Women at Intel Network (WIN)
- Senior Women's Community (SWC)
- Intel Network of Executive Women (INEW)
Intel Disabilities ERG
- Intel Disability and Accessibility Network (IDAN)
- Intel Disability Leadership Council (IDLC)
Intel Latinx ERG
- Intel Latinx Network (ILN)
- Intel Latinx Leadership Council (ILLC)
Intel Indigenous Peoples ERG
- Intel Native American Network (INAN)
- Pacific Islanders of Intel (POI)
- Intel Indigenous Peoples Leadership Council (IIPLC)
Intel Pride ERG
- Intel Pride (Pride)
- Intel Pride Leadership Council (IPLC)
Intel Veterans ERG
- American Veterans at Intel (AVI)
- Intel Veteran Leadership Council (IVLC)
Intel NextGen ERG
- NextGen Professionals Network (NEXTGEN)
Affinity Groups
- Arabs at Intel Community (AIC)
- Baha'i Intel Network (BAHAI)
- Employees X-Site Together Embracing Diversity (EXTEND)
- EXTEND Intel Men for Wellness and Inclusion (IMWI)
- Intel Bible-based Christian Network (IBCN)
- Intel Chinese Employee Network (ICEN)
- Intel Filipino Employee Network (IFEN)
- Intel India Employee Group (IINDIA)
- Intel Jewish Community (IJC)
- Intel Muslim Employee Group (IMEG)
- Partners for Inclusion and Equity (PIE)
Learn more about Intel’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, corporate responsibility and social impact.
Corporate Responsibility
We are extremely proud of our long-standing leadership in corporate responsibility, sustainability, diversity and inclusion, education initiatives and philanthropic endeavors. Each May, we release a comprehensive report about our efforts, goals and performance.
RISE 2030 Goals
We are raising the bar for ourselves and evolving our corporate responsibility strategy to increase the scale of our work with others to create a more responsible, inclusive, and sustainable world, enabled through technology and our collective RISE 2030 goals.
Intel Foundation
Intel is committed to improving lives around the world as a catalyst for change by investing in innovative STEM programs, providing disaster relief, and amplifying the investments of Intel employees across a broad spectrum of personal philanthropy and volunteerism.
We are focused on driving a sustained culture of accessibility, embracing technology to eliminate barriers, foster innovation, and empower all people to reach their full potential.